German Shepherd Temperament

The German shepherd puppy training , also known as a German Shepherd, is a breed of German origin. They were originally used for grazing sheep , protecting flocks from predators, so they were the shepherds who were instrumental in the development of the breed. 

German Shepherd puppy training

They breed dogs that they felt had intelligence, strength and a keen sense of smell. However, the result was that the dogs were well equipped to do the job , but there were large variations in appearance. Many years later, in 1899 , a man named Max von Stephanitz founded the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde ( Society for the German shepherd puppy training ) with a dog named Horand von Grafrath , which was declared the first German Shepherd Dog .

The temperament of this breed is that makes a good family dog, and also slides well in role of watchdog , police dog and herding dog.

German shepherd puppy training Temperament

The German Shepherd is the world's leading police, guard and military dog. However, contrary to their appearance , they are not hostile , but they are confident , self-assured and very slightly distant. 

These dogs are very brave affectionate with those considered members of the family, but can not seem friendly to strangers for them is unlikely to make the first move . However, when approached by a stranger who find it acceptable , they will respond with affection . 

The temperament of a German shepherd puppy training is one of considerable trust , lack of exuberance . An adult German Shepherd temperament almost be termed as "mature" . They are very loyal , they form strong bonds with family members . 

They have been known to defend against the owners of large animals such as bears . However, the downside of this can often be a dog is overprotective towards family members .

As German shepherd puppy training were bred for intelligence , this feature is a registered trademark of the breed . They are very easy to train , and they said that they pick simple tasks after only five repetitions. 

Most of the time, they respond to the first order. These qualities , along with his strength and skill, make it ideal for police functions , surveillance and search and rescue operations . They also fit nicely into roles fellow blind leaders herding German shepherd puppy training and guardians.

German Shepherd Care

If you want to coexist peacefully with his German shepherd puppy training, is necessary to firmly establish their pack leader status . As mentioned before, these dogs are easily trainable , and both you and your dog will benefit from providing him / her a little training . 

They are active and agile and need regular exercise. They are mostly settled in, and they like to play in a large lawn . Be sure to include some activities that provide mental stimulation German shepherd puppy training, because they benefit from having a sense of purpose. 

The temperament of the German Shepherd Dog is that he likes to be near his master , so make sure you spend a sufficient amount of time with your pet. Most German Shepherds have a thick layer , and constantly shed . 

They are seasonally heavy shedders and should be brushed daily to minimize scattered throughout the house hair. Should be bathed only when necessary, and you have to regularly check the ears and clip their nails. " German shepherd puppy training "

Due to the heavy inbreeding while the race is developing , the German Shepherd is plagued by various diseases. A common problem is hip dysplasia and elbow, which can be painful in the later stages of the German shepherd puppy training life when he / she can also lead to the development of arthritis. 

Another problem is spinal stenosis. They are also prone to ear infections and bloating . The temperament of courage and loyalty make outstanding pet German shepherd puppy training. If you plan to bring home a German Shepherd, you are sure to be surprised by his / her intelligence.

1 comment:

  1. Potential dog owners should be aware that, at present, the application of various health screening results to breeding programmes is not always straightforward, and breeders may make choices for various reasons. A responsible breeder though, will always be willing to discuss relevant health issues with you. Breed clubs are often useful sources of breed-specific information.
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